Monday, October 31, 2016


ORLOJ OF PRAGUE, THE MEDIEVAL HERITAGE, In ancient times, still, no Google which always will tell you guys the position of Sun, moon, or even the zodiac. Precisely in the year 1400an, Mikulas daily worked as watchmaker noticed by Jan Sindel to make a clock that is now one of the world's most sacred hours. Jan Sindel himself is a professor of mathematics and astronomy, which wants to create a watch that not only shows the time but serves as a calendar.

The Orloj, Prague - Images by Google

Prague Astronomical Clock is the official name of the legendary hours. Prague Orloj or The Orloj is the name of the oldest clock that is still functioning in the world. At least, there are hundreds of thousands of people who come to Old Town Square Prague, only to hear the story of the Orloj of Prague and take pictures with the background of the clock.

The Tragedy Of The PRAGUE ORLOJ

The Orloj, Prague - Images by Google

Orloj that at the North wall of the Old Town Hall, Old Town Square, according to the legend was actually created by Master Hanus, an expert watchmaker is known. He was elected by the Adviser of Prague to create a clock with a timer that is unique and could serve only to see the clock. After Hanus agreed and make the order hours, the Adviser to Prague instead of fear.

The uniqueness and greatness of the Orloj-smart are retained. However, due to fear of Hanus will make one machine more as clever as this, finally decided to get rid of the Prague Advisor Hanus. A group of men ambushed the House of the Master, and then make it so blind. Hanus know who make it so blind. He also asked one of his disciples to accompany Hanus into the heart of Orloj. When it got there, Hanus who has managed to make a blind Orloj stopped moving.
Based on the legend of the astronomical clock, it takes up to a century to get it operational again.
The Bookmark of the Misery and hope.
Read also:

The Orloj, Prague - Images by Google

Orloj becomes more interesting because the legends reserved figure, skull skeleton that adorn the sides. He said, after the Orloj is turned off by Hanus, Czechs experienced a number of suffering.

Meanwhile, the head of the skull will be nodding, mark the State of the Czechs who are being hit by misery. The only hope for an end to the suffering of the Czech nation was with the birth of a baby boy on new year's Eve.

When the Orloj moving back, the boy had to be rushed to a church existing Tyn across the Old Town Square. Before it stops tolling, he should be able to get there. If successful, he will achieve it, stop all evil forces released by the skull of Orloj.

On the one hand, the Prague Orloj is also a symbol of hope. At one time, a Knight was jailed and are awaiting their execution time. While looking at a window of the Orloj under this hour, he saw a bird that accidentally caught in the jaw of the skull. The bird could free one hour longer when skull jaw opening Orloj. Therefore, Knight felt the same thing will happen to him. And, right, in conjunction with the bird's flight suit from the jaw of the skull, the Knights got word that he would be removed from the prison. Beautiful, magical, and historic

The Orloj, Prague - Images by Google

When are you guys going to Prague, the Prague Orloj is a compulsory tourist site for you to visit.  Prague is a city rich with history and culture, so you guys will definitely be getting a lot of interesting stories here. One of them, like the story of Orloj.

Orloj is active for the first time on October 9, 1410. For six centuries, Orloj keeps running in accordance with the original engine. In fact, the Orloj have survived World War II. Therefore, the Prague Orloj was crowned the oldest functioning clock until today around the world.

This clock has two round, namely astronomical and calendar. As one of the famous tourist sites in Prague, many tourists were capturing the beauty of Orloj. However, when you guys would like to visit and take pictures together Orloj, you should be careful. According to legend, if you guys are disturbing the mechanism of Orloj, bad luck will befall you. Starting from being crazy, can result in death.

The Orloj is magical because it is protected by the skull bearer frame figure an hourglass, a Curmudgeon who brought the bag contains coins, glass was being pompous, and Turkey which shook his head. Therefore, you guys don't mess with Orloj! Simply bring home only good things from Orloj, like beauty, the magic, and its history.
