The Basic Needs of Survival: Water, Food, Shelter, and Fire - An understanding of the basic concepts of how to survive in the wilderness is important if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation in the wilderness.
a shelter to survive - Image by Google |
Basic rules
Sometimes, when faced with a survival situation, stress can impact the mind and affect decision making. Survival depends on your ability to withstand stress and to take appropriate actions.
The Four basic needs that are absolutely necessary as long as we want to survive in the wild.
Water is a basic need of all living beings let alone a human being. 70% constituent of the human body is water. Humans could still survive if you don't eat for a week without water intake for two hearts, God willing humans will soon meet with the creator. In natural water sources aplenty, stay smart to seek and exploit it.
The source of the water can come from spring, rivers, rain, dew, condensation results plants and soil minerals, water plants. Whereas plants that could produce water, like Rattan, banana, Moss, roots and Hanging trumpet flowers
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The food necessary to produce energy and the growth of cells in the body. Balanced nutrients to make the body grow. So, as much as possible we still have to eat, although we are lost in the woods for example. Food sources can be derived from plants or animals.
Part of the plant that can be eaten is the fruit, stems, leaves and roots. What to look for in consuming plants including:
1. avoid flashy colored plants
2. avoid white Gummy plants unless already known to be safe
3. Make it a habit of tasting it first or DAB a little into the skin. Dangerous plants will cause effects itching, red and hot
4. Vary the food eaten to avoid accumulation of substances that are bad. Don't eat the herbs that are dubious.
As for the animals, almost all poultry and fish can be eaten. As well as insects, reptiles and mammals. just think how to catch it!
Shelter or dwelling place is also not less important. A person which doing camping always wear the hood, so if we live in the wild do not forget to make a place to live. Take advantage of what nature provided, such as tree holes or caves, or foliage. You can also build it by using plastic and poncho.
The fire has many benefits. Turn on the campfire to warm the body at the same time repel wild animals, can also to store energy when cooking. The source of the fire could have originated from a match, Lupi/binoculars, rubbing the wood with wood, metal with metal or stone.